I always get asked the same question…”Why do you spend money on a rental?” And my answer is always the same…”Because it’s my home.”

Just because my name isn’t on the deed, doesn’t mean that love lives there rent free. I want my home to feel like the love of the people who live there. I don’t stop until I touch each and every corner.

One way to help your rental feel like a home is to update your hardware. I can either take it with me when I go and put the old one back on, or leave the upgrade for the landlord. This dummy knob and deadbolt lockset from @stoneharborhardware has to be one of my favorite pieces to date. The satin brass is gorgeous. The finish, the craftsmanship and the style has me swooning. I can't believe how good this hardware looks on the living room door. Sure, the door faces the backyard so no one can see it from the outside of the house unless you're on the patio, but it's doesn't matter because the view from inside is just fabulous.

Partnering with Stone Harbor Hardware has been a dream. Working with a company who stands by their products that not only elevate the look of your home but outfit your home with function, safety and make a splash ...has been such a great experience.

Paint is another way to make your home feel cozy and yours alone. I wanted this room to feel like me. The sunwashed brick color by @behrpaint is the perfect shade of pink to highlight the satin brass lockset and doorknob. After I rub n buffed the knobs, and gave this door another coat, it just feels better in here. I can’t wait to see the Christmas Tree in this space 😍🎄.
Week 6 of the One Room Challenge has a simple message:
Life is short. Paint it pink. 💕🎀
Love, Jacqueline
Visit www.stoneharborhardware and use my discount code: AURORABYJAC10 to get 10% off until November 30.